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So far Nancy Hill has created 75 blog entries.

Understanding Tax Terms: Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

2024-03-05T20:51:11-05:00May 26th, 2023|Taxes|

If Benjamin Franklin were alive today, his famous quote Nothing is certain, except death and taxes might include a third item — paying medical expenses. Fortunately a health savings account (HSA) is a great way to cut your spending on medical expenses. A major tax break If you have a high deductible health insurance plan (a [...]

Improve Next Year’s Tax Situation Now!

2024-03-05T20:56:27-05:00May 12th, 2023|Taxes|

Whether you receive a big refund or pay your taxes on tax day, taking action now can ensure next year’s tax bill is optimized by not paying a dollar more than necessary. Update paycheck withholdings and forecast estimated tax payments. Reviewing and updating withholdings now gives you several months to spread out the tax impact [...]

Make Your Child’s Summer Break a Tax Break

2024-03-05T20:59:07-05:00May 5th, 2023|Taxes|

As a busy working parent, you may be concerned about what activities are available for your kids this summer. There may be a solution that’s also a tax break: summer camp! Using the Child and Dependent Care Credit, you can be reimbursed for part of the cost of enrolling your child in a day [...]

Replacing Lost Tax Breaks for Your Growing Children

2024-03-05T21:01:46-05:00April 28th, 2023|Taxes|

Your kids are getting older. Before you know it they’ll be dating, driving and entering college (if they aren't already!). Tax breaks drop dramatically as your children grow up, but you may be able to offset the losses with some timely tax planning. Consider the following tax events based on the age of your [...]

1st Quarter Estimated Taxes are Due

2024-03-05T21:10:47-05:00April 7th, 2023|Taxes|

Both your individual tax return AND first quarter estimated tax payment are due by Tuesday, April 18th. Here is what you need to know. First quarter due date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 The estimated tax payment rule You are required to withhold or prepay throughout the 2023 tax year at least 90 percent of your [...]

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